Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello Kitty became chestnut!!! 08/8/12

It has been a year since I posted last.
I 'm going to start blogging again!

Yesterday, I went to Chinatown in Yokohama.
I ate delicious China foods and bought pretty souvenirs.
The middle picture is a Panda fan and the bottom one is Kuri(chestnut) Kitty♪
Hello Kitty became chestnut!
Panda is using "Kagebunshin"! He must be a ninja!!


Ai said...



Nina Liakos said...

Dear Yuka,
It's great to see you blogging again! What inspired you to do it?

I hope you are going to come to Tapped In (http://tappedin.org) tomorrow at 11 pm to chat with me and the AGU2008ers!


Hiromi said...

Hello, Yuka! ^^
I'm so glad to know that you've started your blog again! And I enjoyed reading your post. :)

I really liked the panda fan, and Chestnuy Kitty interested me because I've collected Kitty's netsuke! ^^

Anyway, I hope you'll keep updating and I'm looking forward to reading your post!